The Covid pandemic in the context of the Apocalypse of John
We have two main estimates from the biblical point of view concerning the Covid pandemic, Covid-fascism, mass vaccination, Covid-passports and Covid-segregation.
The First. All the covid events are based on total lie and falsehood. All what is
said to us about the origin of the virus, about the rationale of masks and
lockdowns, about the statistics of disease and mortality, about the “vaccines”,
their effectiveness and safety, about justification of Covid fascism,
segregation and total control, - all is lie and falsification. With the help of
this lie and informational terror, it was made a virtual “pandemic” and
simulation of the atmosphere of fear. Christians know that the father of lie is
devil. So, the origin of the Corona-crisis is Satan and his servants.
The second. The plot, images and symbols of the Corona-crisis are very similar to
the events of Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse. The Corona-crisis is still not the
story of the Beast and False prophet; however this is very important biblical
argument for the Christian estimation of the “pandemic” as a satanic
The Christians should estimate this Corona-sabbat based on the Bible.
They should unveil and avoid the Covid spectacle and “vaccination”. Unfortunately,
majority of Christians and almost all the Christian leaders and thinkers not
only accepted and maintained the Covid spectacle, but became managers of this
satanic sabbat.
The Christians who rejected the Corona-spectacle and “vaccination”,
however substantiate their standpoint on the medical, biological, economical,
statistical, psychological, political, legal arguments. They mostly tell us
about low efficiency and side effects of vaccines for Covid. It is the lack of
proper biblical, theological arguments, which would have to be the main
arguments for Christians.
In this work we will concern the biblical point of view on the
Apocalyptic parallels with the Covid
As we
noticed in our work “The Covid pandemic as a religious phenomenon” this
“pandemic” is a simulation of the reality and based on lie. At the same time,
it looks like a misteria of some religion.
What kind of religion is this? The answer is easy: the father of lie is
devil - so the “Covid religion” is a satanic religion.
Corona-crisis is also one of the first global events since the Babylonian
pandemonium that affects everyone. Are events global or local, it is the most
important key to understand the Bible history, especially the Apocalypse (see “The
structure of Apocalypse”).
So we see
main features of the Covid “pandemic”: global, total, religious, satanic.
According to the Apocalypse of John, the époque of the Beast has the similar
features. Of course, the Corona-crisis is not as severe, total, and terrible as
the events of the Beast of Apocalypse.
However, the
Corona-crisis is a unique event, the first in a series of others, which is the
prototype of the events of the era of the Beast. This is a clear sign of the
beginning of the Last Times, a sign of approaching of the Beast (which,
according to our version of apocalyptic chronology, should come at the end of
the XXI century, see “An Attempt of Reconstruction of the Chronology of
Christian Era”)
compare the era of the Beast and the Covid “pandemic”:
The Beast |
The Covid “pandemic” |
Religious character – the Beast need to be religiously worshiped |
Proto-religious character - we have analyzed this issue in detail in “The Covid pandemic as a religious phenomenon” |
Global character - the event concerns everyone:
“both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond”. |
One of the first global event in the human history. Almost no one
could avoid its impact. |
Devilish character - the event is based on lie and fear |
Devilish character - the event is based on lie and fear |
The hard fascist character - the demand for the subordination for everyone. The dissenters are
being severe persecuted: “no man might buy or sell”, “as many as would
not worship the image of the beast should be killed”. |
The light fascist character - the demand of the subordination for everyone. The rights of dissenters
are being restricted. |
Public character of obedience - this subordination also must take place in the form of a public ritual
by the receipt of the mark of the Beast. |
Public character of obedience - this subordination also must be manifested in the form of a public
ritual by wearing masks or Covid-passports. |
Bodily character - submission and receipt of the stigma/mark of the Beast requires
penetration into the body (prick, chip) “receive a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads” |
Bodily character - submission requires penetration into the body by means of “vaccination”.
Digital character – the mark of the Beast contains the
number 666. |
Digital character – the Covid- passports contain a QR-code, which has the features of the number 666. |
The split of the humanity – the majority worships the Beast, receives its mark with the number 666 and the
minority rejects. Both groups have their own leaders. |
The split of the humanity – the majority believes in the Covid
“pandemic”, receives “vaccines” with the Covid- passports and the minority rejects. Both groups have their own
leaders. |
The God sends the very severe last plagues on the people who received the mark of the Beast
(Rev 16). |
The God sends plagues on the people who are believers of the Covid “pandemic” and received the “vaccines” with
QR-codes. These plagues are not so
severe, but they are similar to the plagues from (Rev 16) |
We see that the Covid
“pandemic” is similar to the events of Chapter 13 of Apocalypse. We suggest
that the Covid “pandemic” is the artificial prototype of the events of the
Beast, which aim is to train the humanity to worship, to obey the Beast, and to
accept the mark of the Beast. Moreover, this is one of series of such
prototypes and trainings. Knowing the current state of the Corona-crisis and
the story in the Apocalypse, we can determine the direction of development of
such campaigns until the very times of the Beast.
Besides these, let’s consider
the three questions in detail.
Why do they carry out mass injection of people?
There are popular
explanations: to reduce the population of humankind; to enlarge the income of
the “big pharma”; to make people depend on non-stop vaccination; etc.
However, we will pay attention
to the essence. All these goals can be achieved by completely different methods
than injections. But what goals can only be achieved by actions like mass
The main idea of the mass
campaigns of injection unknown substance into people's bodies is to teach, to
habituate people to give open access to their bodies for nonmedical reason.
From ancient times, any penetration into a human body has been allowed only for
two reasons: medicine and beauty, and it was private, nonpublic, intimate
The Corona-crisis opens the “Overton
window” for free access into bodies, not only for medical, but also for
political, economic, technical and religious reasons. One needs “vaccination”
to be allowed to travel, to go to fitness halls, to go to work, etc. Only
“fully vaccinated” catholic can attend the Mass with the Pope.
The next main reason of “Covid vaccination” is to adapt people for the rigorous juridical and digital documenting of each injection and implantation into the body, and on the other side, to show openly these documents.
Obviously, the next step could
be the mass compulsory implantation of nano-particles or chips into the body.
One can see that such activity is also prototype and preparation the humanity
to receive the mark of the Beast.
We have to notice an important
indication. According to the Revelation, the Beast will mark his worshipers.
And those who will refuse to worship the Beast will not receive the mark 666.
In view of reason - criminals,
pariahs, dissidents, rebels, public enemies have to be marked (as German Nazis
marked the Jews with yellow stars); but law-abiding citizens have to be
released from any marks. However, Satan always mocks his followers and
worshipers - he marks them with a stigma as second-class people, criminals or
cattle, and those who will refuse to worship the Beast will not receive this
The same situation we see
during the Covid “vaccination”. In view of reason, it is necessary to mark
covid-dissidents, “antivaxxers”, “irresponsible”. However, managers of the
current Corona-crisis operate as the Beast and the False Prophet in chapter 13
of Apocalypse. They marked with the QR-codes exactly the “vaccinated” people.
Covid dissidents as a prototype of the last prophets of the Apocalypse
Now we have a religious split
of the humanity based on attitude towards the Corona-crisis and injections.
There are the two commensurable parties: “vaxxers” and “antivaxxers”. Further, such splits will deepen, and the
quantitative ratio of the parties will shift in favor of those, who adopt the
satanic agenda. There will be fewer and fewer dissidents, opponents, and
faithful to God people.
It is important to note the
complete consensus concerning Covid “pandemic” and vaccination of all
significant world elites and the establishment: politicians, businesspersons,
pop stars, religion leaders - almost none of the significant figures oppose
covid-madness. This is another similarity of events from the Apocalypse, when
all the kingdoms, that is, all the elites and leaders, without exception, will
worship the Beast.
This situation has led to an
important sociological and cultural phenomenon. Since there was no original
elite among “antivaxxers”, a new, a spiritual elite is beginning to form. The
basis for such a formation is the community of Internet-bloggers, who, having
developed their revealing activities, have become opinion-leaders and focal
points of the collective consciousness of covid-dissidence. Of course, there
have always been conspiracy theorists and dissidents. Nevertheless, right now,
for the first time, a truly apocalyptic transition has occurred. For the first
time, on the one hand, the global evil and absolute lie appear, and on the
other, it is opposed by a front of large and small fighters for the truth.
Despite cultural differences, this group of people was able to develop a common
agenda, from the following three basic points:
The Covid “pandemic” is based on lie;
The Covid “pandemic” is a tool for enslaving people;
Vaccination and Covid-passports is evil and must be avoided.
There are probably several
hundred (no more than a thousand) such bloggers all over the world, but they
managed to do a great job. Despite all the power of the world rulers, a handful
of dissident-bloggers was able to convey an alternative agenda to all of
humanity: regardless of the situation, everyone in the world knows that there
is an alternative point of view on coronavirus and vaccination. Since the times
of Enoch and Noah, for the first time, the World's global front of war was
formed between the adherents of lie (and its father - the devil) and those who
hunger for the truth. The modern covid-dissident movement is a prototype (far
from the last) of the future great spiritual confrontation between the Beast
and the two last prophets.
In the time of the Beast,
there will be a deep division in humanity. The majority of the world's
population and the entire elite will worship the Beast and accept his mark 666.
This elite will be headed by the Second Beast - the False prophet\Antichrist and
his minions. However, there will also be people faithful to God who do not want
to accept the Beast and his stigma. And these people will have their own
leaders - two witnesses and prophets of God:
«And I will give power unto
my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore
days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two
candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt
them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if
any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to
shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power
over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as
often as they will» (Rev11:3-6).
Why two? Because two is the minimal number of witnesses. The times will come when the Beast will gradually scare and shut up almost all dissidents and opinion-leaders. The number of alternative opinion leaders will gradually decrease. In the times of the Beast only the two witnesses of the Truth will remain. Although their number will decrease, their quality will increase: «where sin abounded, grace did much more abound» (Rom. 5:20). And at the end of this war, the last active leaders of dissidents will not be some “Internet hamsters”, but the prophets of God who will be given the great power.
Current climatic disasters and side effects of mass vaccination as prototypes of the last seven plagues of the
Few will listen to these
prophets, and the Beast will defeat and kill them. There will be a short
triumph of the Beast, but then the seven plagues will come. God will pour out
the sufferings on those, who worship the Beast and receive his stigma. The purpose
of these executions is to call to repentance, but unfortunately, no one will
see the light.
Since the current mass
“vaccination” is a prototype of accepting the mark of the Beast, then we need
to realize that we are gradually becoming witnesses of the prototype of those
last plagues. This means that adepts of the Corona-crisis and who have accepted
vaccination and Covid-passports will suffer from the executions similar to the
last seven plagues from the Apocalypse.
Reading the description of the
last plagues, we will see prototypes of them in our time: diseases,
earthquakes, fires, climatic and industrial catastrophes. Even water in some
lakes suddenly turned red.
This, of course, always used
to happen, but in recent years the number of such cases has been increasing -
God lets people know: «God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap» (Gal 6:7).
«And I heard a great voice
out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the
vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out
his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the
men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image.
And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the
blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel
poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became
blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord,
which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have
shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink;
for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord
God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the fourth angel poured
out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with
fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God,
which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory»
The first execution is disease
for those who have accepted the stigma. Therefore, do not doubt that the “side
effects” of injections are not a biochemical phenomenon, but a prototype of the
plagues from God, who «hath power over these plagues». The next
executions - climatic and ecological, are also prototypes of the plagues from
It is necessary to clearly realize that both the side effects from the covid-vaccination and the current climatic\ecological catastrophes are the sufferings sent by God to admonish the adepts of the Covid-madness. In the days of the Beast, the mad people will not repent and will blaspheme God. Probably, most of the adepts of the covid-madness also will not understand, and will blaspheme God.
But what does it mean to
blaspheme? According to the Bible, it means to reject the God and make oneself
equal to God. Suffering from diseases and climate catastrophes will not turn
them to God, but they “as gods” will decide that they can solve all the problems
by themselves. They will not repent, but try to heal their diseases with the
next dose of “vaccine”, they will explain climate change by CO2 emissions, and
proclaim to reduce emissions, etc.
In this situation, dissenting
bloggers also need to start explaining the true reasons for the troubles that
will happen to people; maybe some of them will repent...
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